Dan Zevin Dan's website: www.danzevin.com
Q. When did you know that you wanted to work as a writer? When i was in college (NYU) and I got placed into the remedial math class after flunking some standardized math test. I figured i was 100% right-brained. So i majored in magazine writing. Q. What is your typical workday like? I have an office in my house, and i'm very 9-to-5 when writing on deadline. When i got through the bizarre act of brainstorming with myself before a project, I spend the morning at a coffee shop near my house. I bring a notebook and just scribble stream of conscious style while the caffeine does its magic. Then later i try to make sense of the notes that seemed so brilliant at the time. It's like being stoned when you're 17 and everything you say seems so brilliant/funny/deep--until the next day when you realize you sounded like an imbecile. Q. What are some of the sacrifices that you made for your career? I sacrificed a goat at the top of a mountain. No, let's see, i sacrificed getting a steady paycheck and the insurance and perks that real jobs offer. It's totally unfair to me that your health coverage is dependent on the kind of job you do--what connection do these two things have? I don't sit in a cubicle all day so I better not get sick? Fortunately i'm married to someone with a real job so now at least i can get my teeth cleaned once a year. Q. What is the most important thing you hope to gain out of your career? readers. And groupies. yeah, groupies would be very cool. Q. What advice do you have for writers at the beginning of their careers? -Ignore all the people that tell you to go work in an office for 10 years before going freelance. If you're right out of school, it's actually less risky to try freelancing because you have no mortgage, no kids, etc... less financial responsibilities, not counting student loans. Plus you have the blessing of ignorance and sheer motivation. Plus you still think it's okay to sleep on a futon on the floor and share an apartment with 12 other Entry Level Lifers. When you get on in years (not that i would know), your patience for this stuff wears thin and you need more than just beer money. Q. Where do you see yourself in five years? Barbados Q. How do you manage your social life vs. professional life? i try to go out at night with friends, see people for lunch whenever possible, make sure to take my dog to the park so that i can hang out with the dog people, go to the coffee shop some mornings. Otherwise the only social contact i have is with my UPS man, who seems very nice. Q. What inspires you? Books and movies that are both hilarious and moving (without being sentimental). Rushmore was a great example. Also i've found it very inspiring lately to add one shot of espresso to a regular cup of coffee. |