
Kenneth Tucker

Aspiring Director, currently working on first film, Missing Aria

Kenneth's group


Q. When did you know that you wanted to be in the industry?

The first time I watched the movie Clerks. The movie was made by then unknown writer/director Kevin Smith. I had been working on a movie script myself, and just knowing that someone could make such a great film on a small budget was an inspiration.

Q. What are some of the sacrifices that you made to get where you are at in your career?

Well, I am still lower than low in the film industry; my film isn't even complete yet. But, I can tell you some of the sacrifices it takes to get just this far. The dismissal of a social life, every single penny helps in making a movie, and one less dollar you have is one less dollar that could help make your movie that much better.

Q. Where do you see yourself in five years?

I would like to say a very respected director, but I know the chances of that are very slim, so I will shoot for something more plausible. I see myself hopefully winning an award from Sundance or Cannes, or any other independent film festival.

Q. Where do you see the future of your industry going?

As long as someone has a camera and a dream, the film industry can go nowhere but up.

Q. What advice do you have for people starting out in your industry?

I should be seeking advice, not giving it. From what little I know the only advice I can give is this: If you want something, no matter how difficult or time-consuming it may be, the end product will always be better than having missed out on the experience.

Q. What are some of the biggest mistakes that people make in your industry?

A. Whatever they are, I'm probably making them.

Q. Who are some of your role models and why?

My biggest role model in the film industry would have to be Kevin Smith. He was just a normal guy from a town in New Jersey who had a desire to make movies. He took a chances and it paid off big time. His courage and dedication was an inspiration to me. I will probably never make it like he did, but at least I can say that I tried.

Q. How do you manage your social life vs. work life?

A. I guess my social life would be talking to the actors in my film; I work all evening and work on the movie by day.

Q. What is the most important thing that you hope to gain out of your career?


Q. What inspires you?

A. Everything and everyone I come into contact with in some way inspires me. Everyone you meet has a certain trait about them you have never seen in anyone else.

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